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Buy the Guides...Your Simple Solutions Guide to Success

The Simple Solution Guides - "Little Details Can Make a BIG Difference!"
So what are the Simple Solution Guides? Basically, 75 years of knowledge and know-how in guides that cover every subject a chiropractic office needs. On March 1st, the first eight guides became available for purchase; and on March 15th the FINAL 4 were added.  You can purchase any single manual --the "8 pack"-- Final 4, or all 12...the more you buy, the better the deal.

These guides were authored by Dr. Ty Talcott, who has over 40-yrs experience in chiropractic --and had the first million-dollar practice in the world back in the early 80's; he is currently a successful practice management guru and leader in HIPAA compliance. 
Ces Soyring has over 35-yrs experience on the administrative side of chiropractic including insurance, coding and staff training. Together, they have collaborated to develop a series of practice guides that every office will find to be their corner-stone for success.

Order yours today!

The Simple Solution Guides by Dr. Ty Talcott & Ces Soyring

Guide 1: Practice Essentials and New Doctor Checklists
Find all the things that fall through the cracks – the comprehensive GUIDE for every practice relative to legal concerns, registrations, business plans and what it takes to move forward! An absolute must for a new doctor check list essential for launching a new practice!

Guide 2: Front Desk ABCs
This guide covers the ABCs of the Front Desk, but it is much more than that! It has some history, procedures, communication tips and marketing.  

Guide 3: Insurance 101
This one is ALL about INSURANCE, from what you need to know before you sign a managed care contract to filing claims for Medicare and auto accidents.  
Guide 4: Principles of Documentation 
This guide covers required documentation for E/M codes, how to write effective treatment plans, and clinical rationale for therapy codes.  

Guide 5: Managing Medicare Madness
This book is the A to Z Guide on everything you need to know about Medicare.
Like when is Medicare Secondary and how to write a Medicare TX Plan and the required documentation needed based on CMS guidelines.

Guide 6: Office Policies & Procedures 
Why Policies & Procedures are Required; What is important about Policies & Procedures; Tips on How to Write an Office Policy; Tips on How to Write a Patient Policy; Tips on How to Write an Employee Policy

Guide 7: The Ultimate CA Training Manual
This manual is a “MUST” for an office. We have job descriptions and tips on every position, including terminology, staff policies and communication scripts.

Guide 8: Hiring/Firing & Team Building
What can I say about this guide? Other than it is possibly one of the most important manuals every office needs! This Guide is ‘PACKED’ with legal tips and practical guides to finding –and keeping—the right people.  

The Final 4 Guides…Sold Separately
Guide 9: Internal Marketing
We threw in a little external marketing as well : ) But in most markets today it takes a little more elbow grease and a lot less money expenditure to produce the solid growing practice. Find out what is working today to produce mult-imillion dollar practices in an ever more complex practice environment!

Guide 10: Mastering Success Consciousness
Hands-down the most important guide for personal and professional success. When this one is mastered all the others simply become facilitators to make it all happen faster.

Guide 11: Patient Management for Maximizing Results and Profit
Do you ever wonder what the practitioners do that seem to be excited about being a chiropractor and going to the practice every day? Or maybe you just want to ramp your enthusiasm a bit? Mastering the proven approaches that result in having a larger percentage of your new patients Start/Stay/Refer and pay is what produces stellar results for the patient, maximizes your profits and puts a smile on your face! 

Guide 12: Managing by the Numbers
Sorry to say it, but most chiropractors manage by what they “feel” is going on in the office versus utilizing the facts to move forward and progress – want to jump ahead of all the rest – this is your key! 

​Buy any single manual; buy the "8-pack" (first 8 manuals); buy the "Final 4" (last 4 manuals); OR buy all 12 manuals...the more you buy, the better the price.


Click "RED" box to see First 8 Table of Contents 
Click "BLUE" box to see Final 4 Table of Contents